It’s heating up and summer is well on its (Orderly) Way!

You’ve been dreaming about having one of those aesthetically pleasing, ROYGBIV pantries for so long that it hurts, but you just don’t have the time to sort through it. It’s not just because it looks nice–although that's a bonus!--you want to feel at peace in your home. We get it. That’s why Orderly Way specializes in turning your pantry into a sustainable system that makes it easy for you to maintain long after we’re out the door. So stock up on those summer favorites–we’re looking at you, Minute Maid lemonade–and let Orderly Way give you the pantry of your dreams.

To put it lightly, garages can be overwhelming. For most people, it’s been the proverbial catch-all for years–kids' toys, Christmas decor, sporting gear, the stuff you’ve been meaning to take to Goodwill–the garage houses it all.
Now school’s out and the kids want to play, but they can only find two left rollerblades and
one knee pad they’ve strapped on to use as a helmet. You want to organize it, and most importantly, you want to find the helmets…
But it’s hard to know where to start.
Don’t spend hours looking for their favorite summer gear – make memories instead and let Orderly Way get the garage in order.

Gosh, your kids are cute. You’re just so proud of them. Every week they’re bringing home projects you want to keep for memories, but you just don’t know where to store it all. We felt that way too, and that’s exactly why we made these school organizing totes. These boxes allow you to save your children’s work, old report cards, and first papers without leaving a cluttered mess on the counter or in several unlabeled boxes somewhere in the attic. Each tote is customized to your child and is broken down into sections from baby through senior year. Each section contains two customizable folders.
Pick the color and font that best suits your kid, and just think: one day when they’re graduating from high school and you’re ready to cry over all the sweet things they made as they grew, you’ll know just where to look.